Javier del Castillo
Phone: +34 922318302
Fax:     +34 922318228


Photon down-shifting by energy transfer from Sm3+ to Eu3+ ions in sol-gel SiO2-LaF3 nanoglass-ceramics for photovoltaics. J. J. Velázquez; V. D. Rodríguez; A. C. Yanes; J del-Castillo; J. Méndez-Ramos. Applied Physics B Laser and Optics 108, 3, 577 (2012)

Optimizing Er/Yb ratio and content in Er–Yb co-doped glass-ceramics for enhancement of the up and down-conversion luminescence. V.K. Tikhomirov; V.D. Rodríguez; J. Méndez-Ramos; J. del-Castillo; D. Kirilenko; G. Van Tendeloo; V. V. Moshchalkov.  Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 100, 209 (2012)

Down-shifting in Ce3+-Tb3+ co-doped SiO2-LaF3 nano-glass-ceramics for photon conversion in solar cells. J. J. Velázquez; V. D. Rodríguez; A. C. Yanes; J. del-Castillo; V. D. Rodríguez. Optical Materials. 34, 12 1994 (2012)